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The Alonzo Bond Family
(Youngest of Monroe Bond and Mary Ann’s Children)

Born:  1875 in Orange County, Indiana
Died July 1, 1928 in Peoria Peoria County, Illinois.
Alonzo Bonds the youngest of Monroe and Mary Ann’s children, was kind of a mystery.  There is not a lot on Alonzo to track where he went or what he did for a living beyond a servant and farm laborer.  In the 1910 Census, shows He married for a second time Annie Adams , her first marriage, resulted in two children William and Helen.  William born 1908 and is listed in the 1910 census, with Alonzo as head of household.  Helen Bonds married a Nevels.  
Alonzo married Delia Nevada Wells JamesBorn Oct 1887 in Chain of Rocks, MO.  Died Sept 1974 , Normal Illinois.   
Alonzo died from a fall from a tree when Floyd was a baby. Nevada lived with Floyd and Grace’s family in a warm loving Christian home filled with children and love.  They took numerous camping trips and outdoor activities. This family was anchored with two loving parents.

Floyd Bonds and Grace Fears married and blended their families with 7 children total.  The family was almost like the Brady Bunch because their was his children, her children and their children! Floyd  
married Grace Fears mother of four 

Alonzo Bonds wife: Delia Nevada Wells James


Floyd Bond: Alonzo and Delia's son

The first African Americans to purchase land in the Lick Creek area were Benjamin Roberts, Peter Lindley, and Elias Roberts all in 1832. By 1855, the settlement reached its maximum size of 1,557 acres.

© 2023 by Roberts Thomas Bonds Historical Society

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